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Blog: Mental Health

Valentine’s Day and Mental Health: Why Holidays Might Feel Challenging and a Few Ways to Cope

Just as stores were marking Christmas items on clearance, Valentine’s Day teddy bears and heart-shaped candy boxes were already on display. We live with constant reminders of what’s next to celebrate and an unavoidable stream of holiday hype. While thoughts and images of romance, festivity, gifts, and loved ones are meant to lift your spirits, […]

February 13, 2023

Tags:    Mental Health,

Managing Anxiety and Stress at the Holidays

Keep these tips in mind and come up with an action plan that will make your holiday experience a more pleasant one.

November 30, 2020

Tags:    Mental Health

How to Deal with Anxiety: Simple Tips for Challenging Times

From exercise to meditation to online therapy, there are many simple actions you can take to ease your anxiety during the coronavirus – without leaving home.

April 2, 2020

Tags:    Mental Health,

Open laptop and cup of coffee on the top of a wooden desk.

Get Unplugged: Screen Time And Mental Health

While there are risks for people of all ages, excessive screen time may have a serious impact on the developing minds of children and teens.

October 25, 2018

Tags:    Mental Health

Seated Black woman with pen and form in hand explaining the form to another woman, seated.

What Is A Partial Hospitalization Program And How Does It Work?

If you’ve heard of a partial hospitalization program (PHP), you may wonder if it is the best option for you or a loved one struggling with addiction and other mental-health concerns.

October 18, 2018

Tags:    Mental Health

Woman comforting a man by placing her hand on his shoulder.

How To Help And Support Someone Who Attempted Suicide

Here are some things to do (and not do) for a loved one who has attempted suicide.

October 16, 2018

Tags:    Mental Health